Minutes – Board Meeting – December 13, 2022

Bluffs COA Meeting Minutes 12/13/2022

Shannon Moore, Secretary

12:05 Welcome new members Shannon and Michael

Wes gave Isha last month’s minutes, still need prior minutes from Wes. Wes to get minutes to Shannon to type up.

Sandy – financials for November. $1750 ahead in our budget year to date.  At end of November there are $9000 in operating budget and $78000 in reserves.

Sandy – operating budget today $19500 does not include HOA dues. Dues come in after 15th of month. Majority of expenses are at the beginning of the month.

Maintenance – Walkway light repair $400 per light, $10,400 quote total. Sandy to negotiate lower price after work is done. Due to aging units and previous wiring, had to go back and redo all underground electrical patching. Maintenance is currently working on underground wiring of sidewalk lights. Every phase has had lights fixed, potential light issues due to wiring and breakers are at buildings 7 and 17. In process of fixing, don’t yet know the cost.

If lights are too bright, can replace with dimmer light but must be LED – cost savings.

Gutter cleaning has started. Steve will be looking for gutters that need cleaning even if not reported by residents. If gutter drains go underground, they need to be taken out of the ground. Need to report that to Sandy and have Pablo remove. $85 a unit to clean gutters, so far a total of 12 people reported gutters, but don’t know exactly how many gutters will be cleaned in the end.

Motion for approval –  lights $10,400 expense. Approving after work is done.  Michael – Where pulling from budget? Sandy – “walkway lights and streets”  3 approved, 2 abstained from voting as they weren’t here when decision was made.

Motion for approval – Electrical to be done for underground wiring could potentially cost $3500 – $5000. Acknowledge that it’s a potential expense. Isha made motion, second by wes, third by Courtney all in favor.

Isha motion to launch web site in January. Isha to follow up with web developer Malea by end of December 2022.

Motion for newsletter – Agreed to put newsletter on website and email. Not in river hills newsletter.  3 agreed, 2 abstained.

Next board meeting date January 18th 12:00 pm at Marina Room.

Motion for gift cards for landscape employees $800 total.  Isha motion Wes seconded all in favor unanimous vote.